Expert Growth

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By submitting this form, I agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. I also give permission to charge my credit card a payment plan of 3 x $697 USD, which includes: the first payment charged today, the second payment in 30 days and the final payment in 60 days.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

We stand behind our products. If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, we will refund you with no questions asked. We are here for you with our support.
Included in Expert Growth
Build a sustainable app business in 10 weeks that consistently generates $10,000 to $50,000 per month
  • 10 week program following a proven, tried-and-tested path to success
  • 3 x video missions per week with outcome-driven, step-by-step guidance that is easy to follow
  • Fill in the blanks worksheets with every mission
  • Social media templates for any niche
  • 30-day money back guarantee
  • Lifetime access

Meet Your Coaches

Co-Founder of

Dan has helped 10,000+ app creators generate $64,492,152 with their apps

Brand Expert & Entrepreneur

Georgia works with top brands to create 7-figure businesses, and has made more than $1 million with her own company
What people are saying...

Dance Teacher Went From Broke To $80k/month

Menina - followed the same 5 steps we put into Expert Growth

"It has paid entirely for my app"

Allie - Expert Growth Member

"It Gives Me Inner Peace"

Roos - Expert Growth Member

"I've Gained A Lot Of Confidence"

Mathilde - Expert Growth Member

Common Questions

What results do people get on average?

On average, 100% of people who complete Expert Growth achieve more clarity and confidence on how to grow their business. 79% see an significant increase in their social media engagement and boost their social media following by +34%.

The results depend on how you implement the steps and if you show up consistently in the mid- to long-term to build a sustainable app business. To see a short-term example, check out Allie's video above. She shared these results just 1 month after completing Expert Growth. For an example of someone who implemented the same steps we share in Expert Growth over the long-term, have a look at Menina’s video above. She went from broke to making $80,000 per month in less than 2 years.

How much time do I need for Expert Growth?

Around 3-7 hours per week. That includes the time to watch the video missions and implement the advice. All of the guidance is step-by-step and actionable, so you won’t waste time trying to figure out what to do… And you can be sure that those hours will be spent wisely!

How can I be sure the program will help me achieve my app business goals?

The advice in this program is tried-and-tested by hundreds of people that have gone on to have 7-figure businesses. As well as getting advice from Dan Harvey, you will also learn from the brand expert Georgia Rickard. Georgia is one of Dan's first-ever coaching success stories - she went on to create multiple 7-figure businesses and to have her own business worth over $1 million. Expert Growth shares the same steps that Georgia and her clients have already seen success with.

Who is Georgia Rickard?

Georgia was exactly where you are now a few years ago. She is one of the first people Dan ever coached back in 2018 when she was a travel journalist earning $700 a week… Dan showed her some simple principles that helped her create multiple 7-figure businesses. Now, she’s a brand expert working with top brands and making more than $1 million with her own company… So we’re VERY lucky to have her on board! Read more about her here or watch Dan's podcast episode with Georgia here.

Will this program work for me?

Absolutely! It doesn’t matter if you’re starting out or if you’ve already got a successful app - this program will work for everyone. The training videos have all-new material that you haven’t seen before.

I really liked how the guidance in the Expert Unleashed Challenge was step-by-step. Is Expert Growth the same?

Yes - the training videos can be followed step-by-step and click-by-click, giving you actionable advice in each mission and worksheets to keep you on track.

Do I need to complete the Expert Unleashed Challenge before I start Expert Growth?

Yes, we recommend following Expert Unleashed before Expert Growth, because you need your own app to complete the program.

Do I need to have an app already?

Yes, you will need your own app to complete Expert Growth. If you don’t have your own app yet, then we recommend starting with the Expert Unleashed Challenge.

How is this different to the Creator MBA?

Creator MBA is our marketing coaching program that you can follow in tandem with Expert Growth. It’s perfect if you want personalized feedback, unparalleled accountability, and expert advice. The Creator MBA also includes Expert Growth for free! Click here to find out more about the Creator MBA.

How is this different to Passion Plus?

Passion Plus is a premium service where we build your app for you from start to finish. In Expert Growth, we won’t build your app for you, but we will give you a structured, 10-week program that’ll teach you how to make your app successful. If you want someone to build your app for you, click here to check out Passion Plus.

Is there a 30-day money back guarantee?

Yes! If you aren't happy with the program, please email our support team (at within 30 days of your purchase and we'll issue you a full refund.
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