What happens if I want to cancel?
No worries, there are no long-term commitments or complicated contracts. If you decide that Passion.io isn't right for you, you can easily cancel your account at any time.
Do I need a web hosting account?
No. All Passion.io plans include secure, unlimited hosting for your digital content. We use the best servers and networks to ensure your site is reliable and fast.
Is there a 30-day money back guarantee?
Yes! If you cancel your subscription within 30 days of your first payment, and you would like a refund, please contact support and we will happily issue you a refund.
Will my content also be available on the web?
Yes! You will get your own iOS app, Android app, Progressive Web App (PWA), and desktop app.
Are there any transaction fees?
If you would like to use PassionPayments, there is a platform fee of 3.9%. You can use your own payment provider, and you will pay 0% platform fee.