Get lean, strong and fighter fit without wasting time in the gym
Limited Time Be Your Own Champion Special Offer
30 Day Workout Challenge for Just $47!
Normally $199

Miesha Tate

Hey there! I’m Miesha Tate – UFC™ women’s bantamweight champion, FIFA World Grappling silver medallist, personal trainer and fight manager.
I’ve retired from the UFC™ now, but it’s still a huge part of my life. I’ll always be part of that incredible community, and now I’ve started coaching and managing other fighters. Being a mentor to others and helping them achieve their fitness goals is unbelievably satisfying, especially when I can spare them from going through some of the same struggles that I did at the start of my career.

As I branched out into personal training, I realized that the mental and physical skills needed to succeed in the UFC™ aren’t only useful in the Octagon. The discipline, perseverance and integrity that took me to the women’s championships are the same qualities that we all need to be there for our family and friends, to stay fit and healthy, and to succeed in our daily lives.

So I’m here to tell you now that you too can become a champion. You can finally find time to get in shape, build your strength, learn mental focus and discipline. You can join a global community of fighters just like you, working to overcome their barriers and smash their fitness goals. You don’t need to spend hours in the gym, follow crazy crash diets or make yourself miserable with a training routine that bores you out of your mind.

I’m going to show you a training system that will help you get fighter fit, live a healthier lifestyle and still have time for all the other commitments in your life – and have fun while you’re doing it!

What is the Be Your Own Champion (BYOC) system?
And why will it work for YOU?
Do you constantly worry about your health and fitness in the back of your mind, but never quite find the time to do something about it?

Do you always feel self-conscious about those few extra pounds you’re carrying? Or maybe you feel like you’re not in the best shape and it’s holding you back when you’re at work or spending time with your family?

How many things have you tried – gym memberships, workout plans, protein supplements, you name it – in the hope that this time, finally, it might work?
Well, it doesn’t have to be like that any more!

Getting back on track with fitness when you have a busy life and a thousand other commitments might seem difficult...but I promise you, it is possible. 

All you need is the right training system.

One that cuts the B.S., uses your time effectively, and lets you train in a way that fits around the rest of your schedule.

And more importantly, you need the right support.

So, let me introduce you to the Be Your Own Champion 30 Day Challenge!

This is my first ever online workout program, drawing on my sixteen years of experience as a professional athlete and coach.
MMA fights are incredibly demanding physically, testing your mental and physical capacities to their limits. UFC™ fighters and coaches have developed some of the most effective whole-body training techniques in the world. And with the Be Your Own Champion challenge, you can reap the benefits of training like a UFC™ fighter at home.

As a coach and personal trainer, I’ve seen my methods help countless people achieve their fitness goals, whether that’s competing in the UFC™ again after a long break, or just losing some weight and getting outdoors more. That’s why I created this challenge to share them as widely as possible.

So many people are let down by the mainstream fitness industry. It sells us completely unrealistic images to aspire to in the media, makes us feel we’ll never measure up, then asks us to pay endless subscriptions for gym memberships we barely use. Because come on, who wants to spend hours running nowhere on a treadmill in a stuffy gym? No wonder most people find it hard to stick to a fitness program!

Well, I’m here to show you that you actually can have fun getting fit. My training program follows the structure of UFC™ fights, with short, intense five-minute ‘rounds’ that will have you building up your strength, improving your fitness and burning away any extra fat in no time. Instead of just lifting the same dumbbell over and over again, you’ll learn fun fighting moves like punch combos, kicks, jumps and sprawls.

Forget wasting time going to and from the gym every week – all my workouts can be done at home, in 45 minutes or less, with no equipment whatsoever. Your own body is the only gym you need! You’ve got complete flexibility to squeeze in a quick workout whenever works best for you, and fit it around all the other commitments in your life. 

And you’ll do it all as part of a fun 30-day challenge, alongside fellow fighters from all over the world! This extra structure and support is going to give you the motivation you need to finally stick to a training plan. Whenever you feel like you’re losing your drive to succeed, or you’re struggling with some of the workouts, you’ll have a whole community of champions there to help you out.

Not to mention, you’ll have me! Think of me as your new personal trainer – I’ll be there beside you every step of the way. In HD video tutorials, I’ll take you through each exercise step by step, showing you correct form and encouraging you to keep going.

Imagine where you could be 30 days from now. Imagine how proud you’ll feel after completing the challenge, how much more comfortable and confident you’ll feel in your body. This program will give you everything you need to get back into shape, get lean and strong, and feel like the champion that you are.

So what are you waiting for?
Here's why people love Miesha's BYOC system!

Amancio Avellaneda

"I would definitely say her videos were what inspired me to get out there and be more active, and basically get back into being an athlete."
“I think she’s a good role model, and I think she practices what she preaches. I would say that she definitely helped inspire my healthy lifestyle change.”

Ella Murfitt

"I know for a fact she can help anyone achieve their goals and she can really motivate you to get that body you want”
“I automatically clicked and was just really inspired by Miesha. She’s really motivated me to never give up.”

Omar Martinez

“I follow her because she is super super smart and she’s super strong. That’s why I started to train. Anything is possible, you can do it!”

Marelangel Maese

"People always said, ‘You’re going to quit, you know this isn’t a girls’ sport.’ I kept going, and I showed everybody. I showed my teammates that I could do it just as well as they can. Miesha Tate taught me that – she fought with passion, and with her heart. It’s my third year wrestling now, and all my teammates respect me now, everyone looks up to me, because they know that I don’t quit."

Dale Seeley

“I encourage people to work with Miesha, not just because she’s very successful in her own fitness areas, with the development of people on her team, but because of her behaviors towards people. Anyone that would take part in a program with Miesha would be respected for their individuality, for their own strengths, their own balance. There’s a lot more to fitness than just going out and lifting heavy things and hitting things really hard – the mental aspect is much more important than the physical.”
What to expect from your BYOC 30 Day Challenge

A unique fitness system based on UFC™ training
Gain strength and muscle, lose fat in a healthy way, and learn the mental focus and discipline of a champion fighter

21+ fun, intense circuit-style workouts
Power through five-minute rounds that will get your muscles pumping, build up your strength and teach you new skills

61+ HD exercise videos
I’ll show you how to do each exercise with perfect form and show you easier and harder variations to suit your fitness level

Join an inspiring global movement
Become part of a community of people who want to get fit and feel like a champion, and who always give support and push you to do better

Train anywhere, anytime
All my workouts can be done at home with no equipment, and you can access the whole program on any of your devices whenever you want

Fit training around your busy schedule
With my highly effective training system, you can get incredible results by working out for less than 45 minutes
And there's more...
BONUS #1: 30-day money back guarantee
I know you’re going to love this challenge. But if for any reason you don’t, no problem at all – just contact my team for a full refund. So you can try the program now with no risk involved!

BONUS #2: Lifetime access to the Be Your Own Champion Challenge and all workouts
30 days from now, as you look back on the progress you’ve made during the challenge, you’ll feel amazing – and you deserve to! But health and fitness are about long-term lifestyle changes, not quick fixes. That’s why you’ve got lifetime access to the entire challenge, so you can follow the program as many times as you want and continue to benefit from my coaching!
BONUS #3: Try the Be Your Own Champion Membership for FREE
As an exclusive offer for participants in the Be Your Own Champion 30 Day Challenge, I’m even offering a free one month trial of my new membership program!

As a Master Member, you’ll get access to an exclusive members area where I regularly share all my best tips on nutrition, mindset training and staying motivated. Everything you need to know to not just work out and get fit, but also start a whole healthy new lifestyle. You’ll even get the chance to ask me any questions you like about health and fitness, and I’ll answer them individually in special group coaching sessions!
What are you waiting for?
You could start a fitness journey today which will take you to places you’d never have believed. You could finally get stronger, gain some muscle, lose those last few pounds. Maybe even get that six pack you’ve been dreaming about! You’ll have more energy and focus in every area of your life. You’ll be a better father, daughter, partner, employee, you name it – when you start taking care of your health, mentally and physically, everything else follows from that!
Over 4.5 million people already follow me for my advice. Join them now!

The 30 day money back guarantee means there’s no risk and no commitment – just a chance to turn your life around. Try it now and I promise you’ll never look back.
So what's stopping you?

Can’t stay motivated?

I know lots of people struggle with motivation to work out. I know from my own experience and my coaching career how much sports and fitness training can transform and enhance people’s lives – but they can also be hard work! When we all have so many commitments, consistently sticking to a workout routine can be really hard.
But that’s why my training system is designed to make it easy. With built-in progress tracking, you can hold yourself accountable. You’ll find that you want to push yourself harder, and get the satisfaction of seeing your fitness and mental focus constantly improve.

Plus, you’ll have me there with you, taking you through each workout and helping keep you motivated! Any UFC™ fan knows that success is about so much more than physical strength and skill. It’s the mental drive, determination and focus that really make the difference. I’m going to help you get into the mindset you need to succeed, and stay there!

And on top of that, you can join the global Be Your Own Champion community. Connecting with people all over the world has been one of the most positive parts of my own career as an athlete, and I want you to let them inspire you as well! We’ll share our advice and experiences in the private Facebook community, and we’re here for each other night and day with support and encouragement.

Not enough time?

We’ve all got a lot on our plate, right? I know I have! I’m a professional athlete, TV personality, coach, personal trainer and UFC™ manager, and I have family and friends that I want to spend time with! So trust me, I know what being busy is like. That’s why I’ve created a workout program that fits around even the craziest schedule.
All my workouts are under 45 minutes long, and the short, intense rounds are designed to get you fantastic results as efficiently as possible. Plus, they can all be done at home with zero equipment, so you can fit in a quick workout whenever’s easiest for you and stop wasting time going to and from the gym!

And at the end of the day, making time for your health is worth it. When you improve your health, learn discipline and mental focus, and achieve something you’re truly proud of, the knock-on effects in other areas of your life might surprise you! If you want to feel strong, powerful, confident and full of energy in all areas of your life…well, you can find 45 minutes to make that happen!

Not making progress?

There’s nothing worse than starting a new fitness program or investing in an expensive supplement, giving up your precious time and money, and then not seeing the results you deserve. It’s easy to bounce from one new idea to the next, getting excited each time, then getting frustrated after a few weeks and giving up - especially if you’re training on your own and you don’t know where to turn for advice. It’s not because you’re not a dedicated, disciplined person – you just need the right guidance.
Even when you’re making progress, when there are a million other things going on in your life, it’s easy to get knocked off track by a crisis at work or a difficult family situation. The important thing is that you always get right back on track afterwards!

And now, you’ll have me here to help you, and all the expertise I’ve built up in my sixteen-year career at your fingertips. With me by your side, you’ll be able to push through and carry on making progress even when times get tough.

I’ll show you how to do each move in every workout, plus show you alternatives and variations you can use to adjust the difficulty to suit your own fitness level and carry on making progress. And as a Master Member, you’ll even be able to ask me whatever questions you like – so you never have to worry about getting stuck in your training again!

With my help, you’ll be able to make faster progress than you ever have before!
Whatever barriers have stopped you making progress in the past...
This could be the moment you smash through them for good.
What have you got to lose?
What you'll get with the BYOC Challenge:
  •  A fun & unique 30-day workout challenge to get fighter fit without wasting time in the gym
  •  Miesha Tate's proven fitness system for developing strength, building muscle and making awesome progress
  •  79+ Highly effective HD video exercises and workout routines that target your entire body
  •  The full BYOC workout system for not just a great body, but a long-term lifestyle change
  •  Your personal Progress Dashboard to keep track of your amazing results
  •  Step-by-step exercise instructions tailored to your fitness level
  •  Only 30-40 minutes of highly effective workouts per day to suit your busy lifestyle
  •  Available on all devices - train anywhere using your laptop, phone or iPad
  •  Join a Global Community of like-minded individuals there to motivate, inspire and support you 
  •  PDF tracking sheets to record your amazing progress
  • BONUS #1: 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee - no hard feelings or hassle
  • BONUS #2: Lifetime access to the Be Your Own Champion 30 Day Challenge and all workouts included
  • BONUS #3: Exclusive FREE trial of the Be Your Own Champion Membership program, with loads more amazing content and the chance to ask Miesha your questions
Join now for just $47!
Limited Time Offer - Expires Soon!
If you don't absolutely love the Challenge and all the great features it includes, you can cancel any time - no strings attached, no questions asked.
This offer won't be here for long.

Just think for a second...

What will happen if you don’t take this opportunity now?

You’ll carry on getting older, feeling unhealthier and less confident every year.

You’ll miss out on the pride and satisfaction of challenging yourself, becoming a champion and achieving something most people will never be capable of.

You’ll never get the lean, strong fighter’s body you dream about.

Maybe you’ll spend the rest of your life telling yourself you’ll find the time to get fit one day, but never quite getting there. We’ve all seen where that ends…

But it’s not too late to make a sustainable, positive change in your life, and there’s no better opportunity than this. Act now!
What is different about the workout and exercise techniques in this Be Your Own Champion 30 Day Challenge compared to other Challenges out there?
It draws on Miesha Tate's Miesha is a former UFC Women's Bantamweight Champion with over 15 years of fighting experience. You get a proven workout plan with new workouts every single day. You only have to spend 30-40 minutes, 5 times a week to get super impressive results. You will also have a personal progress dashboard and tracking sheets that shows you exactly where you are in the Challenge and the progress you’ve made towards your goal. AND you will be part of a global community that supports you and pushes you harder than you ever could doing it all by yourself!

How do I know which workouts I should do after I have signed up?
When you purchase the Be Your Own Champion 30 Day Challenge, you will sign up with a username and password. This is your login for accessing all the content on whatever device you like, whenever and wherever you like. Then just follow the program - Day 1, Workout 1 - let's train! Meanwhile, the platform will track your progress so you always know where you left off. Each week you will find 5 workouts and every one consists of high quality and straight to the point video lessons, so you can see and hear what you have to do. Each workout in the program is unique, so don't worry about getting bored or losing motivation! So there's nothing you can do wrong after signing up. Just enjoy the guidance through the workouts and train!

Do I need any special equipment to do the Be Your Own Champion 30 Day Challenge?
No - you can do the whole program using only your own bodyweight. These exercises are designed for you to do at home OR in the gym! We recommend you have access to a yoga mat, but it isn't essential. If you want even more of a challenge, you could also add dumbbells into your training!

Will I be strong enough to start this Challenge?
YES! The more difficult movements are broken down with easier versions so the workouts are suitable for everyone - no matter what your current fitness level. You might not be fit when you start - but you will be when you finish!
What if this Challenge isn’t for me?
No problem! You’ve got a full 30 day money back guarantee. So if you decide this Challenge is not for you, just drop an email at within 30 days and we’ll arrange your refund. No hard feelings!

Try Now!
Special Offer - Expires Soon
  •  Be Your Own Champion 30 Day Challenge - available on all devices
  •  Unique fitness system to build strength and muscle
  •  79+ Highly effective HD video exercises and workout routines
  •  Specially designed workout routines that target your entire body
  •  Personal Progress Dashboard
  •  Only 30-40 minutes per workout
  •  Join a Global Community of likeminded individuals there to motivate you
  •  PDF tracking sheets to record your amazing progress
  •  BONUS #1: 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee - no hard feelings or hassle
  •  BONUS #2: Lifetime access to the Challenge and all workouts included
  •  BONUS #3: Exclusive FREE trial of the Be Your Own Champion Membership program
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